DYNAMIC HEALTH LINK : 3 Reasons Why the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is Right for You!

Weight loss requires that you lessen your food intake and increase exercise, but it is obvious that with our rising obesity numbers that there is more to it.

Theres a terrific book by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst that I read not too long ago. Dr. Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret contains a remarkable amount of great information on why many people fail to lose weight even with diet and exercise. There are many problems with what we have done to our bodies through poor eating habits that may make us resistant to weight loss.
There are 3 reasons why I think Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is right for you.

Colon cleansing is important for weight loss to occur. Though colon cleansing seems like a fad, it does have a lot of merit providing you also follow the latter advice in Dr. Gudakunst's book to keep your colon clean and your body detoxed for good. Theres more to colon cleansing and weight loss than a simple cleansing product.

Our diets and busy lives lead to unhealthy colons. If you have an unhealthy colon, you may have 5-25 pounds of extra weight simply because your colon is lined with waste that hasnt been eliminated. This waste is toxic and the longer it stays, the more toxic your body will become.
If your digestive system is in a slow, sluggish state due to excessive fecal material left in your colon, two things take place.

For one, you tend to store more fat when food is not allowed to move quickly through the digestive system. The other problem is that you become malnourished because nutrients from the foods you eat are not being digested properly. Your body attempts to get the nutrients it needs by putting in requests to your brain (a.k.a. cravings).

Toxic colons also contain parasites. These parasites spread toxins throughout the body and cause many problems that negatively affect our ability to lose weight. Weight loss is difficult when your body is not working properly. Toxins can cause fatigue, anxiety, irritability, poor heart health and increased infections and illnesses.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret also lets you in on the foods you should and should not eat in regard to colon health and weight loss and HOW you can begin down a healthier path with those foods. Avoiding refined carbohydrates and fatty foods and replacing them with wholesome, fiber-filled carbs is imperative for weight loss.

Dr. Gudakunst recommends that you switch out the processed and refined carbs with nutrionally sound choices that contain plenty of fiber; however, she recommends that you do this over time rather than all at once. You need time to adapt to the change and by doing things the right way, you will learn to enjoy these foods and keep your colon healthy. This in turn will help your permanent weight loss efforts.

The bonus tips at the end of the book were excellent. These tips are what you should know about adapting to a lifestyle that will help you lose weight and keep it off for good including useful advice on exercise. She actually has some pretty great insight to how we can make exercise a part of our lives rather than viewing it as a chore.

Thats my kind of weight loss advice! Practical, informative and useful in helping you lose weight, stay healthy and do both for life!

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