Dynamic Health Link : Breakfast Menu for Diabetes

If you are someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes it is vital that you eat the correct kinds and amounts of foods. If not then you may well find that the condition is much more difficult to control. Today when it comes to finding out what are the right foods the internet is a great place to look for help and advice. In fact many sites now offer special sample breakfast menus for diabetics to try out for themselves.

The great thing about these types of menus is that rather than breakfast being bland and boring it can be very enjoyable indeed. Also as you will soon discover all of these kinds of menus allow you to be a little more creative in the kinds of foods that you are able to eat with this disorder.
Below we offer 3 different types of breakfast menus which you may want to consider trying. The great thing about these is that they are very simple and quick to make. Also they contain the right number of calories that your body will need each morning to help prevent any problems arising later in the day.

Menu 1 - For this you need to get 1 slice of whole wheat bread which you toast to your own particular liking. Then on to this spread 1 teaspoon of margarine. Then on to the toast you can either place 1/4 cup of egg substitute or cottage cheese. However if you want something a little more warm and substantial in the morning replace the cottage cheese/egg substitute with 1/2 cup of oatmeal mixed with 1/2 cup of skimmed milk. Plus you are also allowed 1/2 of a small banana.
Menu 2 - This one is even far easier to make than the menu mentioned above. Take 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries and drink 1 cup of fat free or low fat milk with them. However if you want in place of the blueberries instead have a small blueberry muffin or other type of breakfast pastry with a cup of fat free milk.
Menu 3 - Certainly Menu 2 is ideal for those who are needing to leave home quickly to get to work or school. But if you have a little more time available, try out the following. Get 2 slices of whole wheat bread and toast them then very lightly spread over them 2 tbspns of peanut butter. But along with the toast you can have one small banana and a cup of coffee or tea.
When you are preparing any of the menus above in order to ensure that your blood sugar levels remain constant it is best that you eat at the same time each day. However, what you must never do is avoid having any breakfast at all.

Plus with all the sample breakfast menu for diabetics that you see in this article as well as on the internet, you need to make sure that you use the exact amounts of food mentioned. Otherwise this could actually further aggravate rather than help to control the symptoms associated with diabetes.

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