DYNAMIC HEALTH LINK : How to Avoid Cancer, Heart Problems, Diabetes, and Asthma

In part one we examined one of the most detrimental factors to good health-- the overgrowth of Candida Albicans, a fungal yeast that produces seventy-nine different antigens {poisons} to the body and impairs immune function as well as disrupting many of the other important body functions.

In this segment we will look at the pH factor and its importance in body chemistry. pH is hydrogen potential and a reading of 7.0 is neutral while a higher reading indicates alkalinity and below 7.0 indicates acidity.

Scientists tell us that our bodies function best with a blood pH level of 7.4 {actually 7.365} The physical body does everything it can to maintain this blood pH at 7.4. Since most people have little awareness of how the body functions and how to cooperate with those functions we unwittingly eat, drink and act inappropriately. Sometimes we try to do something good for ourselves e.g. drink bottled water to avoid pollutants in our drinking water.

The problem is that most of that water is processed by reverse osmosis or distillation and these have a pH of around 6.6 to 6.8 i.e. acid because all the minerals which affect pH have been removed. Some of the bottled water is spring water and this may have a pH of 7.2 to 7.6 which is alkaline and much better for our bodies. The problem here is that water is the universal solvent and so plastic bottles leach a poisonous chemical into the water. There is little indication how long the water has been sitting on the shelf and no way to tell how much leaching has taken place!

Water is very important to our bodies since fluids account for about 70% of our tissues. Dehydration is a problem for most, partly because we drink a lot of caffeinated drinks and caffeine is a diuretic which removes more fluid from the system than is ingested. Without enough fluids inthe body, blood becomes thicker making the heart work harder to pump it around the system--the skin becomes more wrinkled-- dried out more than it should--elimination becomes more difficult {constipation} so toxins tend to be re-absorbed into the system instead of being removed.

There are other drinks such as alcohol, beer, colas,soda pop etc. which are acid. Soda pop containing phosphoric acid {causes the fizz} may be as low in pH as 2.5. It has been said that the body intelligence will even store excess acid in our fat tissues to prevent damage to the liver and kidneys. {Being overweight?}

Another aspect of which many are unaware, is that acid-forming foods are consumed excessively. It has been suggested that up to 80% of our food consumption should be alkaline-forming foods and only 20% acid. That indicates that our diet should consist of items like bran, barley, buckwheat, cornmeal, millet, oats, brown rice, rye criso, rye bread, and wheat germ, rather than wheat products such as cakes, crackers, macaroni, noodles, pies and pastry, spaghetti, wheat breads and wheat cereals. Another example relates to flesh foods. Some foods like chicken, fish, lamb, liver, lobster, turkey, veal, shrimp, crab meat, and trout tend to be alkaline while beef, hamburger, hot dogs, pork, salmon, sardines, sausage fall into the acid range. Most fresh fruits and vegetables tend to be alkaline but any commercial canned vegetables and fruits tend to be acid.

So we can see that eating has its hazards and care is required to avoid the difficult areas. One could take the attitude that this is too complicated, and it can be a bit overwhelming, but with a little care one can develop a sensing for which foods are appropriate. For example when facing a buffet and there are so many choices-- some of them are o.k.-- you can sense what is effective with a little practice.

There are some simple rules like avoid commercial canned fruits and vegetables and use fresh as much as possible. If you do your own canning don''t overload with sugar. Much more could be said on these points but hopefully these guidelines may be useful to you. There is a lot more info available on all these subjects.

This segment has emphasized the importance of acid/alkaline balance and the requirement to be aware to some degree of what we eat and drink and how it affects our health. Part three will consider the body from the cellular, electrical level and what can be done easily to work with the body processes.

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